Here is the complete list of applicants who passed the entrance examinations.
The interview, along with parents, is scheduled on Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM. Applicants should bring along lacking preliminary documents.
The following applicants successfully passed the entrance exams administered in April and May. The interview, along with their parents, is scheduled for June 1, 2024 (Saturday), starting at 9:00 AM. Same schedule is true also to the passers of the first batch of entrance exam.
The list of the previous batch can be accessed here: Mr. Francis Jim Tuscano, the ICT consultant and a teacher at the Senior High School Department of The Saint Joseph Seminary High School, Inc., launched his new book "Empowered to Thrive: Igniting the Blended Learning Journey for the School" on May 18, 2024 at the Rex Knowledge Center.
The book, published by Rex Education, provides a comprehensive guide to implementing blended learning strategies in schools. It draws upon Tuscano's years of experience integrating technology into classroom instruction. The launch event was attended by officials from the Department of Education, executives from Rex Education, officials and colleagues from Xavier School where Mr. Tuscano is employed full-time. The seminary community celebrates Mr. Tuscano's achievements. Mr. Tuscano is a Josephite from the class of 2005. |
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December 2024